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Patrimonial Assistance

Let’s protect and increase the value of your assets

Do you need help in optimising your patrimonial strategy, in particular
during the key stages of your professional and family life (marital regime, real estate acquisition, transmission, pension…).
In an ever-changing fiscal, social and financial environment, we work with a network of professionals
(solicitors, lawyers, heritage management consultants, bankers) to find
olutions to optimise and secure your assets.

Examples of services

  • Assistance and advice for your income and wealth tax returns
  • Retirement assessment
  • Patrimonial audit
  • Accompanying the transmission of a company and/or assets
  • Diagnosis and strategy of ownership of the real estate of the company
  • Optimisation of the remuneration of the manager / director
  • Diagnosis of the social protection of the business manager and family

The benefits of our services:

  • Build a patrimonial strategy based on both your private and professional situation
  • Benefit from personnalised solutions taking into account your objectives
  • Anticipate and optimise your patrimonial transactions from a legal and fiscal point of view
  • Identify and limit the risks linked to your situation
  • Be alerted on adapted patrimonial opportunities

  • A single contact able to advise you directly or present you to one of our selected partners 
  • Benefit from the collaboration of multiple professional experts 
  • A responsible and independent approach
  • Professional secrecy